Residential Administrators Logo

Founded in 2000, we are a nonprofit organization working diligently to reach and assist persons who are homeless or are at risk of homelessness without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status or handicap through subsidies, safety and maintenance services, by monitoring accessibility to and consistent use of community resources for persons with mental illness and/or alcohol and drug diagnosis.

There’s No Place Like Home….

Research has shown that stable housing is essential to helping persons with serious disabilities recover and become productive members of the community. Since mental illnesses strike persons who are young, usually between 18 to 25 years old, their education and career development is often affected. The result is that many persons cannot afford decent and safe housing because they are unemployed. Without temporary assistance with housing, too often persons with mental illnesses become homeless or hospitalized.

About Residential Administrators, Inc.

Under the leadership of Executive Director, Jon Brown, we use local, state, and federal grant dollars, to offer rental assistance to persons in Champaign, Logan, and Union Counties with a mental health disability of long-continued and indefinite duration that substantially impedes the ability to live independently, and have a limited income.

Living independently in individual rental units, with supportive services provided by local agencies, the participants in the Rapid Re-Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing Programs aim to Sustain Safe, Affordable Housing, Secure Income, Secure Non Cash Benefits, and Reach Greater Self Determination. Residential Administrators, Inc. participates in the Coordinated Entry process and local and Regional Continuums of Care. Our staff serves on several state level advisory committees. Our policies and procedures are based on HUD and OMHAS Standards. We facilitate the monthly Logan and Champaign Prioritization Workgroup to ensure we collaboratively assist next those with Chronic Homelessness, the most severe Needs, and the longest length of homelessness. Residential Administrators uses Housing First and Fair Housing Practices by assisting those persons without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, familial status, or handicap.

Posted Data Privacy Notice

We collect personal information about the people we serve in a computer system called the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). Many social service agencies use this computer system and their staff may be able to see your personal information. Additionally, administrators of the system and the provider of the system software may also see your information. All of these people have gone through special training to use the system and are required to abide by our homeless systems’ privacy standards.

We use the personal information collected to run our programs and to help us improve services. In addition, we are required to collect some personal information by organizations that fund our program.

We only collect information that is considered appropriate and necessary. The collection and use of all personal information are guided by strict standards of privacy and security.

We may use or disclose information from the HMIS under the following circumstances:

 To provide or coordinate services for an individual or household;
 For functions related to payment or reimbursement for services;
 To carry out administrative functions;
 When required by law;
 For research and/or evaluation; or
 For creating de-identified data

You do not have to provide your information; however, without your information we may not be able to help you. In addition, we may not be able to get help for you from other agencies.

The HMIS Policy may change at any time and the amendments may affect information obtained by our agency before the date of the change. We will review the policy annually and also provide a copy the current version of the privacy notice upon request at any time

You have a right to review the personal information recorded in HMIS about you. If you find mistakes, you can ask us to correct them. You may also request a list of all agencies with access to the HMIS. You have a right to file a complaint if you feel that your data privacy rights have been violated.

Please tell our staff if you have questions. If you need a grievance form or a complete copy of our privacy policy, please ask our agency staff